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Back to the blogging board

So, after a three and a half year absence from blogging in which time I've flirted with Facebook and found it to be a largely useless waster of time (apart from being a great place to upload photos) and had two children, I'm back blogging. I still love to write, even if I have less time than previously. We'll see how long I last. My aim is to stay away from FB and come here instead.

The haze
Singapore is covered in a blanket of stinking smoke - not good. It registered unhealthy levels on Thursday, and quite frankly I'm fed up with Indonesia starting the illegal fires which cause it - just stop the burning!

BBC World service
Since our kind friend Erle tuned our car radio to BBC WS I've been completely addicted. Finally I have a place to hear 'real' news. Now I hear that they are cutting its funding, very sad indeed. There's enough rubbish/ads/repeats on the radio and TV, BBC WS is such a refreshing place for something slightly original and often quirky. Please don't let it disappear.

The girls
Natasha (now almost 1 year old, should only be 9 months however) has started crawling and today started waving. Such a cute age and growing up so fast.
Pippa has found Jesus and asked Him to be her friend, albeit in the middle of a week where she's not exactly been on her best behaviour. Pips loves school and loves to dress up as a fairy/princess/ballerina - basically anything as long as it involves pink. She has a fashion style all of her own, generally involving two layers on the bottom half i.e. two skirts or a skirt and trousers. That said, everything she puts together seems to work and she's got great attention to detail - not bad for 3 and a bit!

Tea ponderings
Why is it when you offer to make someone tea, you almost always have to come back and ask them how they would like it? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to say, for example, "tea, white, one sugar" up front...I guess it's just a politeness thing, sounds a bit demanding to give a list of ones requirements all at once. Maybe I'll try it next time and see what reaction I get.

After 5 years in Singapore, we finally shipped all of our stuff from the UK to here. It's lovely to be reunited with some long-lost treasures. However there was also some pretty odd stuff in there - anyone for a Marks and Spencer Christmas pudding from 2003....


Gaz man said…
Good to see you back on the blogging board!

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