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Showing posts from January, 2006
Once again I found myself with a friendly-looking Singaporean wanting to stick a needle in me. This time it was my choice, just a check up for general health. Anyway, after the normal worried look by the doctor as I told them I may faint, all went well. I love these Atkins breakfasts; salmon, cream cheese, strawberries and avocado. Happy, healthy food for a happy, healthy me. Food cravings all gone, no chocolate since 10th January. Nothing to do again at work today, my managers have a big presentation, I'm not included. So I guess I just sit tight and wait for Chinese New Year to arrive. A lovely long four day holiday awaits me. We're going to the driving range to have a go at a bit of golf, if I like it I might even buy a club and use the driving range in the condo. We really are lucky to be able to live here for a while, the standard of living is very high and very cheap. The weather, public transport, food and facilities are all superb. Not somewhere I'd like t
Teaching Once again I have nothing to do at work, and once again I find myself daydreaming about teaching. I'm beginning to think I should just get on and do it. I've just spent some time on the internet and found out about something called 'Teach First'. It's two years teaching in challenging inner city schools in London while at the same time receiving high quality leadership training from top employers, all while earning a decent salary. This is the first time I've heard of this, it's quite an exciting concept. To make a difference, get good training, earn a salary and become a qualified teacher all in two years.
Food and friends Life in Singapore It does seem that we are properly settling into life in Singapore now. For the first three months we were finding our feet, now we have a pretty established group of friends. We also have more of an idea of what to do and where to go. Life is good and varied, and as Paul said earlier more closely resembles our life in London. Cooking I am really enjoying cooking for us again, this low-carb malarky is great. I feel fantastic, less sluggish, more energetic and generally happier. Most of all, the food cravings have gone. I no longer crave chocolate, caffeine or sugar. Those headaches last week were well and truly worth it (as nasty as they were). I even managed to run for 15 minutes on the treadmill yesterday, if I keep that up, I'll be well and truly fit for walking in New Zealand. I found out today that one of the common desserts here, herbal jelly, is made from ground up turtle shell, yuk. Oh well, I guess it's not as bad as a 'live frog c

Random thoughts

Every now and then I fancy writing down some random thoughts. When I do this I can't always remember where I put them. Then I forget them. So, in order to remember I've started this page. I'll be writing in a somewhat unstructured way, but I guess that doesn't matter too much. Writing things down always helps me to get them straight in my head.