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Living in New Zealand at last

It's been a while since I posted, mainly because we've been in the throes of moving country. We arrived in New Zealand on 5th November 2015 after 10 years living in Singapore. 

So far this has been a great move for our family and everyone is settling well. We are still looking for a job but that will come in time.

I'm not sure if it's the climate, or the fact that we're on more of a budget than usual, but I've really got into making stuff at home. I've been trying to master a few new skills and I'm enjoying the process. So what have I been making?

Viili - a yoghurt like culture that's high in probiotics from Scandinavia, it ferments at room temperature and turns milk into viili in 24 hours. Delicious in smoothies and ice blocks (that's kiwi for ice lolly)
Kombucha - I've been dabbling with this on and off since I was 19, but this is a very successful scoby and tastes delicious. Also high in probiotics.
Sourdough - our neighbour kindly gifted me some of her starter and I've been making approximately a loaf a week since mid December.  Just this week I made a loaf which is close to how I'd like it to be - I call that success!  Great for breakfast.
Wholegrain bread- I couldn't always buy the loaf I wanted at the supermarket I go to, also, although much cheaper than Singapore, buying loaves is expensive - and you're always left with a plastic bag which can't be recycled. So I started making my own 5 grain loaf, it's pretty good, but I'm still looking for ways to make it a little less dense.
Jam - this is a biggie. I'd never made jam before coming here, but the price of stone fruit had my jaw dropping (it gets as low as $1.80 a kg for plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines). I started with plum jam, then apricot jam. Then I had a failed kiwi jam, turns out I forgot the lemon juice/pectin.  I've since made another plum jam and this week some blackberry and apple (just like Nan used to make) with foraged blackberries. This week I'll be experimenting with crab apple jelly and maybe tamarillo jam or jelly.
Chutney - an obvious next step from jam is chutney. I was gifted some damsons by a lady at church and I've made the most gorgeous coloured damson chutney, it even has a cayenne kick. Delicious.
Mayonnaise - I started making this in an effort to eat less processed food. It's also more economical and I've made it quite a lot zingier than my original recipe (more white wine vinegar and lemon juice) - there is always a jar of this in the fridge.
Apple puree - it seems so hard to buy unsweetened apple puree, so I just make it. Another fridge staple.
Yoghurt - cheating a bit, use the Easiyo, but it's so simple and delicious, also cheaper than buying yoghurt ready made.

Cleaning stuff
Vinegar - I use it for everything. It's brilliant as a cleaner, odour neutraliser, fabric conditioner,window cleaner. There are several spray bottle containing white vinegar strategically placed around the house.
Bicarbonate of soda- odour neutraliser, scourer. Brilliant. I buy vinegar by the 5 litre container and bicarbonate of soda by the 3kg bag.

Beauty stuff
I now make my own moisturiser, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner. Mainly driven by being so sensitive to the chemicals in commercially bought stuff, but it's also cheaper and better rfor the environment (less throw away packaging). I use a combination of coconut oil, arrowroot flour,  baking soda, apple cider vinegar and essential oils (mainly lavender, tea tree and mint). It's really satisfying, but definitely has me labelled as a 'hippie' in some circles.

So with the girls in school, and Brynn at kindy I've had more free time, but it's clear from the above how a chunk of that is being spent! I've also started a weekly walk with a new friend, joined a badminton club, joined a Bible study and help out one morning a week at the local Op shop (thrift store/charity shop).  I'm loving it here and can't wait to meet more people and explore a bit more of NZ.


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