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Showing posts from November, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

10 days until we go to South Africa. The Christmas music is on, the tree is going up, Church nativity play is tomorrow and we're off to a Jesse tree ornament exchange this afternoon. Happy days.

My little readers

They both love nothing more than snuggling up with a good book.


Here's the note Pippa left for us this morning. I love grateful kids. What a lovely start to the day.

Den building and letter writing

Pippa home sick again, it's so lovely to have both girls home in the afternoon. Tasha even tried her hand at writing her own name. I love the mirror writing stage. Den building is massively popular in this house at the moment. Amazing what a few pegs from Daiso can do.

This boy loves food

He eats everything I give him. Here he is enjoying a baby bite at a playground in Bukit Timah.

Joo Chiat

I went to a lovely fair in Joo Chiat in the East of Singapore this morning. It's an area I'd never been to, I loved it. The quaint old shop houses and tree lined streets reminded me of Vietnam. I certainly felt like I was on holiday. I've made a note to go back to the area for dinner one evening. There looked to be lots of lovely places to eat. Gorgeous weather too today, just lovely.

Cross country before school

Cancelled due to rain, so Tasha thought she'd join in the bleep test with the big kids. Followed by a bleep sit up test.

Brynn has croup

It seems that just before 6am on a Saturday is a good time for a baby to get sick. We have come straight in to children's A&E at NUH and been seen to within a couple of minutes. Croup medication is on its way. Then he has to be observed for an hour and we can go home. Should be home by 8.30am.

Wheat grass

Tasha brought home a tray of wheat grains on Monday, which we have dutifully watered, and look how they have grown!


So, I've decided to outsource more. Pippa organised, wrapped and ran the 'pass the parcel' for Tasha's party, now I've got Tasha feeding Brynn. Perfect.

Celebrating Tashas 4th birthday

We had a few friends over for a celebration by the pool. Lots of fun and lots of cake was had by all!