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Showing posts from September, 2013

Dinner time

Brynn is looking increasingly interested in food. Almost grabbed my baked chicken curry right off my plate. Then he had a quick gnaw on Tasha's skirt... I guess I'll start solids soon.

Double decker playdate

Picnic time

Tired out by a walk to the market

Paul is volunteering through work this morning, so I'm car less. We decided to walk to the local market to check out the hari raya fair. I still love the local markets and their colourful sights, interesting smells and general hubbub. Brynn thought it was all too much and had a nap in his buggy (not something he usually likes to do).

Last day with Jan and dad

Gardens by the Bay again

Last day with Jan and dad here, so we're enjoying a morning at Gardens by the Bay, lovely.

Conversations with Nana and Gramps

Fun with grandparents

Puzzle fun on a rainy afternoon

Tasha had a puzzle-a-thon today, with the new puzzles that I picked up for a steal on the Facebook classifieds page that I'm a member of. 10 puzzles for $25,  don't mind if I do! I love buying second hand toys, much better value and just as much fun. I even got a cupcake caddy for me from the same lady.

Toy cleaning time

Lovely way to pass a sunny Thursday early afternoon.

So excited! First guitar lesson

Midweek bedtime stories

Early morning toy soldiers

Pippa has gone off for cross country, so Tasha is using the glorious early morning play time to play toy soldiers.

Pippa reading bedtime stories to Tasha m

Mr Men time.

UN day costume craft

Fun homework for Pippa, Tasha had a go too. This year at UN day Pippa will represent south Africa.

Cassie and Brynn

Watching the rugby

Father and son, content watching SA play rugby.

Tea party on a rainy afternoon

Time to stay home, sort the toy cupboards and drink rooibos tea (clothing optional).

Buying a guitar for Pippa

School is offering guitar lessons, so Pippa is taking the opportunity to learn. She's super excited to get her first musical instrument.

Totally torrential rain

Once again the school /work run was conducted in torrential tropical rain and flash floods today. Unbelievable that there are people out there driving without lights and driving too fast. Our basement car park is flooded again and the flood on the highway nearby is unpassable as it is above car wheel height. I'm happy to be back home cuddling Brynn and drinking a cup of tea. Living here has definitely changed my perspective on rain. It's amazing how much can fall in a short space of time, and how well the drainage system copes in general. It makes even the heaviest English rain look like a shower!

Look who's sitting unaided already

Little Brynn (now 4.5 months old) has figured out how to sit on his own today. Two days ago he rolled from front to back. Slow down baby, I want you to be little a bit longer.

A sad day for my frangipane tree

I came back home from a marathon school, school, work drop off in a tropical storm to find this sad sight in front of our home. My beloved pink frangipane tree where the doves nest and the sun birds feed...fallen over in the storm. I've asked for it to be put back up and held with rope, stakes etc, let's see what they can do.