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Showing posts from 2010

Happy in the kitchen

I've spent a lovely morning in the kitchen preparing for Natasha's birthday party tomorrow. Pippa went out on a date with Daddy to the cinema, which she just loves, so I've had some glorious free time to just potter and do my own thing. Tasha's cake is looking good and there are some muffins and dips too, all good stuff. I'm feeling very calm in general at the moment and it's lovely to have this last bout of illness over and done with. Now we are firmly looking forward to our trip to South Africa in December. Over three weeks of sunshine, Christmas and family - can't wait! My new phone is great, can't believe that I put up with the old (Windows) one for so long. Android rocks in comparison... I do all my Bible reading, BBC news reading, Facebook checking, emailing etc on it. It's just brilliant, I feel like I was getting a little behind the times on new phone technology but now I'm up to date again. This weekend is Deepavali, we spent yesterda

Almost a year old already

Natasha Morgan Evans I was just looking back at photos of this time last year. It's amazing to think that Natasha turns 1 on 9th November. What a year! It's funny how an event like having a premature (26 weeks gestation) baby can really help sort out your priorities in life. Seeing a baby grow from 890g to the almost 8kg that she is today is a strange kind of privilege. The wonder of creation is never more evident that when you actually get to see an eyelid unfuse, or cartilige form in an ear, or a baby start to be able to breath on her own. It really makes you value the small things in life that we tend to take for granted, like our health and that we really do have a marvellous creator God! Less brain fog Having changed the way I eat - no more sugar for me, low GI here I come (thanks Brenda) - and having the girls sleep through the night (mainly) has seen a marked change in the levels of brain fog I've been experiencing. Much like the Singapore haze of last week, th

Back to the blogging board

So, after a three and a half year absence from blogging in which time I've flirted with Facebook and found it to be a largely useless waster of time (apart from being a great place to upload photos) and had two children, I'm back blogging. I still love to write, even if I have less time than previously. We'll see how long I last. My aim is to stay away from FB and come here instead. The haze Singapore is covered in a blanket of stinking smoke - not good. It registered unhealthy levels on Thursday, and quite frankly I'm fed up with Indonesia starting the illegal fires which cause it - just stop the burning! BBC World service Since our kind friend Erle tuned our car radio to BBC WS I've been completely addicted. Finally I have a place to hear 'real' news. Now I hear that they are cutting its funding, very sad indeed. There's enough rubbish/ads/repeats on the radio and TV, BBC WS is such a refreshing place for something slightly original and often qui